Redirection and yet more texting

By | August 31, 2020

The last couple of weekends have been busy so it’s been about 15 days since I’ve had a proper daygame session. Between yesterday and today, I ran 12 sets with a grand total of 1 conversation. I don’t get blowouts in this city very often. About 90% of the girls will plant their feet completely off the initial front stop, but many, many girls leave after I drop the compliment. As soon as I finish up the “blah blah blah, and I though you looked cute, so I wanted to say hi,” it’s common for girls to follow up with “Thank you! But sorry, I gotta go.” That’s the outcome of roughly 80% of my stops. Perhaps it’s due to COVID, or the spinach stuck between my teeth. Worse yet, I could have a blind spot in my Game that shows itself in my smile, tonality, or body language.

Of these 12 sets, one of the girls wore a silky, green skirt. I spotted her waiting at a crosswalk. I gave it a minute or two for the light to turn, then circled around for a front stop when enough space opened up. She seemed relatively receptive1 and giggled throughout the open. Reading her eyes, I assume she was smiling as well2. Unfortunately it went nowhere due to their existing entanglements. You can read the extensive report on Twitter.

I mentioned in my last post that I can’t get past my frustration with the lack of results I’m seeing. I’m nearing 600 lifetime sets, with more than 500 coming from NYC. Daygame has brought me 2 lays, with 1 coming from NYC. More and more, I can the feel the weight on my shoulders and less and less do I have enthusiasm for going out on the streets.

The lack of results didn’t both me so much in the past as I was learning the skill set. I was improving my social skills, my charisma, my ability to read another person’s emotions and inject positivity in to their lives. I was learning about polarity and male-female dynamics. Results weren’t on my mind, the skills were. And I’ve learned a ton. My friendships are stronger, as are my relationship with family. I get along better with my coworkers. I can warm up a meeting with small talk before getting into the meat of a project. All of this is a direct result of daygame.

Yet the presence women in my bedroom is not.

Gyms are opening back up in NYC, and I expect that means jiu jitsu gyms as well. If they start teaching white belts again, I’d like to get my uninjured limbs back on the mats. Such a redirection of my attention will surely take away from the time I dedicate to daygame. I’m happy to grind away for either (1) improvement or (2) results. I’m not getting either from daygame at the moment, though I will surely achieve both while vying for position as I fight off a twister3.

Perhaps I’m overreacting a bit. In one post-COVID stretch I got 4 numbers in 20 approaches and felt I was on a role. I felt I got that mojo working. But that was 6-7 weeks ago…a distant memory. More likely, I think I’m jaded. The last number I got was two weeks ago.

Here’s the ensuing texting.

Nothing fancy. Stacking forward to a date request then a two day roll off when she declined.
Call back humor to build momentum (she showed me a nail painting of Mario in the set) then a second date request. She declined the second time but hinted that she still wanted to meet up, so I broke the rules and asked her to choose the date.
Three day roll off after date confirmation (it was a full 6 days forward!). Some of you may recall Mr. V’s photo ping…I straight up snatched it for this one. She harped a bit on the mask thing. Given she never brought it up until the ping, I read it as a test. Not quite a shit test…I think she just wanted to play along, but this was an annoying way to do it. I thought for a while how to respond. I ultimately rewarded her behavior with a photo ping, though perhaps I shouldn’t have.
….and she flaked.

Magnum and RPD have both written on flakes. I’m going to give them another read when the enthusiasm for Game comes back. It surely will, as surely as I need a break.

  1. I.e. she didn’t say “thanks gotta go” and depart off into the crowd of masked shoppers.
  2. About 95% of folks are masked up.
  3. Yeah, I’ve been put in a twister. It felt like a good stretch until it didn’t.

4 thoughts on “Redirection and yet more texting

  1. Thomas Crown

    I got the impression from the texting that it wasn’t going to end up in a date. She just didn’t give off the kind of enthusiasm which usually leads to a date. I find that for the vast majority of my dates which might actually go somewhere there’s a level of enthusiasm you can see in her messages which heads into the first date.

    For the first two date requests she didn’t offer an alternate date so it made it feel like you pushed her into a corner (textually speaking) by asking her when she wanted to meet. If it were me I would have binned the lead after the second turn down. It gets to a point where you’d be better off spending the time Daygaming rather than meeting her because the lead seems weak.

    A few specific points:
    – you seem to fall into her frame readily when asking her what she’d like to know about you and when she said “tell me about yourself.” Better to take the conversation by the scruff of its neck and build towards a date request.
    – I wouldn’t bring up the mask thing at all

    Nonetheless keep plugging away up to your 1000th set. At that point you may want to stop counting stats. You might find it brings the enjoyment back to Daygame and makes you less results oriented.

    1. Breeze Post author

      Her texting was slow in between as well. I think she was either a “no” that didn’t know it, or a “weak maybe” that went cold in those 2 weeks.

      Appreciate the feedback. I regret the agree and amplify text regarding the mask. I mulled it over for quite some time, realizing it was some sort of test but not knowing how to deal with it. Either way, I’m just going to avoid the topic all together from now on. In my sets, I get away from the virus talk as soon as I can if a girl brings up.

      I’ll definitely hit the 1000-set mark. Though I may take my foot off the gas and get there slower.

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